Tuesday, June 28, 2011

out of the frying pan and into the fire?

I have been re reading some of my posts and have realized how much my thinking has changed since I first posted about leaving the church.  The following is the way I would answer the questions I asked myself on March 4, 2011.  The answers in Red are my new responses.  
    • Would God abandon me if he felt I abandoned him? NO.  Biblical example: The prodigal Son. I don't believe in "God".  
    • Was God really a man once? I do not believe that he was. N/A
    • Would I really be kept out of the highest kingdom If I did not receive my endowments, or if I rejected those endowments? NO.  I don't believe that we should have set convenants with God, just as I don't believe that we should only use repeated prayers, instead of thinking and covenanting for ourselves. For all I know we are all reincarnated, or stored on some hard drive like in the hit TV show "Battle Star Gallactica".  
    • "By grace ye are saved".  Mormons add on to this... 2 ne 2:25   "...for we know that it is by bgrace that we are saved, after all we can cdo." Really?  While I believe it is important to be a good person, and yes to do good works.  What is a good work?  Is it taking out my endowments, get married in the temple, get baptized...etc.  or is it being a good person and exeplifying Jesus. Religion does not = good, and good does not = religion.
    • Even if I lived as perfect a life possible and fulfilled all the requirements, my works would not be enough to get me in.  The atonement would be the only thing. Am I challenging the atonement by putting more time into works, then I am into faith in his grace and mercy? Yes!  It is a smack to atonement to even think that any of those works could compare to the fact that Christ payed for you, he purchased you with his blood.  He gave this gift to all people. I no longer believe Christ was real as much as I don't believe in Zeus, or Hercules.
    • Is the temple ceremony literal?  I believe that it is literal. If so would God keep me out of heaven if I couldn't or wouldn't do it when the time came?  What if those who died and their ordinances are done for them after they have gone, and they reject them, would God keep them from him? NO! Like I said "Battle Star Gallactica"
    • Can our minds even comprehend God?  If not, then how can any of us profess to understand ways in which we will be judged later? I don't believe that we can comprehend his thinking/judging processes.  I do not believe that he requires us to follow such narrow minded principles. If there is a supreme being.
    • Why are there similarities between the Masonic Initiations and temple endowment? That is a tough one, but I simply do not believe the temple endowmet was inspired by God.  I believe that Joseph, being a free mason, "borrowed" some things. And that he was a crack pot con artist that knew how to scam people.
    • If God is the same yesturday today and forever, than why has the Mormon church changed in dramatic ways over the years? Because it is not inspired of God.  Because there is not one true church, and there is not a living prophet. Even pretending to know what a supreme being would want of us is ridiculous, just as much as it is insane to say you are doing what an alien would want you to do.  
    • Why is there no archeological and historic proof of the israelites being in the America's?  I can only conclude that there were no israelites in the America's Hence the Book of Mormon is fictional.
    • Can there be "one true church," with such imperfection on this earth? I don't believe so. NO! And it is insane to waste you time "worshipping" something.  Rather it makes more sense to enjoy what you have and make the most of it.  
    • Does God care which church we are in so long as we are good people? I don't think he has a preference as to what set of rules we follow so long as we try to exemplify Christ.  All I think is important is to find happiness.  
    • Does God have a favorite people? I think that having a favorite is an imperfect trait and that is impossible for God. Who is God?
    • Should there be an answer to almost every spiritual question? I don't think so.  I think that it is hurtful and unnecessary to have an answer to almost everything.  I am focused on finding happiness in this life, not wasting time here in preparation for what ever the hell is coming next.  

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